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Alexander Persson

Fullstack + Developer, ML Engineer, Animator, Illustrator, and Designer

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Designing the future of education

Designing a platform to help educators build better online courseware

Video game progress tracking

Design and development for a video game tracking app built in React Native

Biomedical image collaboration

Increasing the amount of collaboration in Slice, an app for biomedical imaging

Hi there, I'm Alexander Persson

I'm a Fullstack developer based in Stockholm, Sweden. My expertise spans across Developer, ML Engineer, Animator, Illustrator, Designer. Currently, I'm working as a fullstack developer and product owner in Stockholm, Sweden. My projects include UX design, UI animations, building apps, automation development, and illustration.

Being comfortable with design, frontend, and backend allows me to rapidly prototype and validate experiences. I specialize in web development and machine learning, always striving to create innovative solutions.

In my spare time, I enjoy fitness, playing musical instruments, and working on my startup Rezepta. I'm always excited to hear about new projects, so feel free to reach out if you'd like to collaborate or discuss ideas.

Alexander Persson, a Fullstack developer based in Stockholm, Sweden